What is Positive Psychology Coaching?

As positive psychology can be applied to individuals, groups, and organizations, so too can positive psychology coaching. For the individual, improved performance, self-efficacy, life satisfaction, and self-confidence are amongst the benefits seen. Harmony within families and other relationships occurs in groups. And organizations have found improved talent retention, employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and financial growth. (Peláez et al., 2019).
In general, the goals of positive psychology in coaching are ‘to…:
- positively impact the client’s life; the main goal of coaching in general is to improve the client’s life. Positive psychology coaching is no different.
- increase the client’s experience of positive emotions,
- help clients identify and develop their strengths and unique talents,
- enhance the client’s goal setting and goal-striving abilities,
- build a sense of hope into the client’s perspective,
- cultivate the client’s sense of happiness and wellbeing,
- nurture a sense of gratitude in the client,
- help the client build and maintain healthy, positive relationships with others,
- encourage the client to maintain an optimistic outlook, and
- help the client learn to savor every positive moment (Mentor Coach, n.d.; Peppercorn, 2014).
Although the first goal on the list is the most general, each of the subsequent goals can be considered milestones leading upward toward the first. These are all effective techniques and objectives that help the client and coach work their way towards the client’s biggest life goals.
But how do we determine what these BIG LIFE GOALS are/should be? This process is based on a personal vision of one’s ideal self. When you close your eyes and imagine yourself 10, 25, 50 (depending on your age, of course) years down the road, what do you see/feel/experience? What are you doing? Who are you with? How do you feel- physically, emotionally, relationally, intellectually, and spiritually? To get there, we need to go through a change process, a big growth experience (or maybe several), no?!? To do so successfully, we focus on potential rather than impossibility, positives rather than negatives, success rather than failure. In other words, on a continuum, it doesn’t mean bringing you from -5 to 0, but from 0 to +5 (or higher)! In essence, it means helping you thrive and flourish rather than survive. This may sound like a huge undertaking, but people are doing it SUCCESSFULLY! That’s what positive psychology coaching gets you.
I don’t know about you, but I still have a lot of living to do! I want to coach hundreds of people and learn from your life experiences. I long to travel the world with my husband. I wish to spend as much time with my grown children as possible. I strive to build a sustainable exercise regimen (that I actually grow to enjoy). I hope to take on several new hobbies. I’m excited to cuddle with our new puppy and kitten. The list goes on…
How about you? What do you see/envision for your future?
Does this sound like something you’d like to add to your life? How can you best do so?
To get started on your reflection, read my blogs on character strengths.